Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday afternoon: tick, tock.

No, I'm not watching the clock or anything. Ok, I am. It's not terribly entertaining here today. Well that's what happens when your projects are on track... by Friday afternoon, everything has passed testing and is just awaiting the weekend installation.

I think the sun is actually shining outside, too. And it's not totally cold in Columbus, OH. 39° I can hear people chit-chatting all over my floor. No one is working very hard here!

My husband and I measured our basement last night and talked through some of the design options. Kind of exciting to add a whole new living space to our house! It's going to be the entertainment room, mainly. I'll have a nook for an office. And we'll make a room for laundry/storage. It should be a fun space if we can accomplish it for a reasonable price.

In sewing projects, I made a little "wristlet" purse last night. I need to practice with the zipper. It has some dumb design issues, but it's kind of cute in a "made-by-a-kid" sort of way. (No one has to know it was made by an adult with 3d space issues. I'll post pictures of it sometime...

Ok, ta-ta for now. I'm off to find some other way to entertain myself.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Get ye to the funkdafied blog site!

Ok... I made a post yesterday, but apparently, I didn't have my email engaged, so it didn't email it to ya'll.

So this is technically a test to see if my new configuration will send out an email... if you get this... give a shout back!


Sunday, February 19, 2006

cold weather makes me feel . . .

Cold weather makes me feel... cold. Really cold. So cold I just can't do anything but curl up under a blanket. So cold, I can't think straight. So cold the creative stream that usually flows from my brain has stagnated. And it hurts. It hurts when the creativity can't get out. Almost as much as it hurts when it flows more freely than I have time to act on it.

But I shouldn't complain about cold. It makes me think maybe global warming hasn't taken a firm hold on us just yet. But tell that to the daffodils shivering in my yard. There are buds on my trees, too. I'm pretty darn happy about that. Can you believe it's late February?!

Good movies on TBS today. Actually, Back to the Future II was nice. Jumanji and Jerry McGuire were annoying. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou is on now. I love that movie. Love, love it. I mean, how do you think of something like that? The story of Ulysses told in a parallel 1930s southern universe. The colors and cinematography... the music... LOVE the music, one of my favorite albums. And oddly enough, the movie being on tv is quite timely, as I just had a dream a night or two ago about George Clooney. And he was singing. Who knows where my dreams come from!

But at least it's not cold in this movie... I can forget for a moment
that it's cold outside. I need to get outside. Get my hands in the ground. There was a 45 degree day a week or so ago that I pretended was actually warm. That lasted only about an hour. :-)

Saw Delerium last night... it was SO GOOD. A fabulous multi-media event. Such a great blend of music, acrobats, costumes, and giant screen imagery! I went with my mom, my aunt, and my cousin Jessica... she's 12. This is her telling a joke. This is what the cat looked like at the moment of impact. (lol)

She's pretty sweet. I think she thinks her Memaw's side of the family is looney tunes though. Well, if you have to judge by me and my mom, you'd probably come to that conclusion, too.

So I'm not watching any Olympics. My dear husband, John, had curling on today, but I think it was only to laugh at it. Plus, it's too cold to compete athletically!! Or even think about it.

Alright I am actually very busy this evening... I am making a cheat sheet of all my fonts so I can decide in a glance what font to use. I think it will save me time when my creativity is back to flowing.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

shroud of torino

ok persons. we need some activity on the blog. i'm not talking about email. i'm talking about the actual blog. yeah, that's right. we have a blog. have you visited it yet? i didn't think so. click here. ahh yes. welcome to the web.

anyway, has anyone else been watching the olympics? i'm not sure why but for some reason i watch the olympics. i guess what i dont understand is that i watch sports that i don't really care about. oh c'mon. you do it too.... don't you?!?!? the thing i have the hardest time watching is men's ice skating. it's just not right. don't ask why. it just isn't. women's skating. no problem. couples skating. i'm still ok with that. men's skating... not right. you know something else about the winter olympics?


none. zero. zip. nada. maybe in 20 years or so we'll have a tiger woods-esque person emerge in curling. that would be sa-weeeeet!!!

go to the web site and post a comment. in fact, post something yourself (email me if you don't know how). do it. everybody's doing it. you want to be cool, don't you?!?!? peer pressure. PEER PRESSURE!!!