Thursday, October 20, 2005


So... the other day Haircut wakes up and wanders toward the window to look outside and see what the weather is going to be like for the day when she notices something peculiar. The trunk of our car was popped open. She thought it was strange and took a closer look and realized that the passenger window was down. She thought, "I don't remember leaving the window down" and took a closer look only to realize the window which seems to be rolled down was acutally busted.

Can you guess what happened? Is the correct answer:

A. Someone broke into our car
B. Someone broke into our car
C. Someone broke into our car
D. I need to eat more vegetables

If you guessed A, B, or C then you guessed correctly. Well, actually if you guessed D you were right but just not for this specific incident. They only took the face plate off our radio and sifted through the stuff in the trunk. No big deal. We drove the car to work today because we scheduled an appointment for a window replacement company who comes to you. Seeing how it was a little chilly this morning and we didn't want to freeze we decided to do something about it. What did we do? Well, I never thought I would see this day but... we... well... we put a trash bag over the window. Ghetto as ghetto can be. Actually, Haircut was able to find some clear plastic we used to winterize the windows in our house but still, plastic is as plastic does... or something like that.

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