Friday, March 03, 2006

it's Friday again... where did everyone go?!

It's Friday again. And it's cold and snowing outside. You know how that makes me feel... that's right, C.O.L.D. And I'm at work and bored again. Not bored like last week. I have work to do... just have to wait on my test system to be available again. What the heck... let's git-r-done, folks!

HEY, Jeremy... what's going on with your neighbors?! The monkeys at the OSU research facility? I guess they are shutting down their operation there. The manager is complaining that OSU takes almost half her funding and then charges them a ton of rent on the building. So they are moving the monkeys to Texas. And then one of them died in transit?! Awful, just awful.

I haven't done any crafting in a week. This week has been about cleaning house, watching movies/tv, and eating popcorn w/the husband. But this weekend... look out. I am going to (finally) work on the roman shades for the living room. Keep your eyes peeled for the photos of that debacle.

l8r gang...